
Monday, May 29, 2006

Automatically insert DateTime in notepad

Automatically insert timestamp everytime a file is opened:
    1. Open notepad
    2. On the first line of the file type this:

    3. Hit ENTER to insert one carriage return.
    4. Save the file

    Now... everytime you open the file in notepad, a timestamp will be inserted.

NOTE: .LOG is case sensitive so make sure to have all letters capital.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

command prompt at right click of windows explorer

Again finding the solution on google for which I have visited google earlier 10 times.

AW, if you want to add command prompt at right click then follow the instructions:
NOTE: Do it at your own risk.
  1. Go to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell node in the registry (note that Folder includes drives and directories).
  2. Create a new key (from the right-click menu), and call it "DOS prompt".
  3. Under that new key, create a sub-key named "command".
  4. Under that new key (i.e under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\DOS prompt\command), edit the (Default) String value and give it the following value: "c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe %1" (or whatever the path to cmd.exe is on your system).
  5. Now, you can open a DOS window by right-clicking on any directory name in the Windows explorer.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Tab on command prompt

Autocompletion facility by using tab on DOS command prompt is very useful.
Obviously it must be created by some lazy worker like me ;-)

AW, following is the way to configure your system to work with tabs on cmd:

You can expand the full name of a file or directory using a character of your choice.

  1. Close all Command Prompts
  2. Start the Registry Editor
  3. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  4. If not present, add Key: CompletionChar
  5. If you like to use TAB-Key for expand: set value (REG_SZ): "9"

Above mentioned text is copy-paste from following site:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

How to minimize Outlook

Visit the following link to learn how to minimize the Outlook:

I went for Hideout only on the basis of review available on the above mentioned site.

Monday, March 13, 2006

JBoss as windows service

To run Jboss as windows service visit following site:

But it seems to me that this site information is not complete.

This site suggests that one should use JavaService.exe as following:
JBossService.exe -install JBoss
-start org.jboss.Main
-stop org.jboss.Main -method systemExit
-out {JBOSS_BIN}\stdout.log
-err {JBOSS_BIN}\stderr.log
-current {JBOSS_BIN}
-depends mysql

But the parameter required by JVM, at least in my case should be more:

-Xmx1300m -Xms1300m
-verbose:gc [might be optional]
-Xloggc:gc [might be optional]

Parameters after -err can be avoided.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Accessing FTP through IE

follow the link if you need to pass username and password to ftp server and you are trying to access the server through Internet Explorer;en-us;Q135975#XSLTH3150121123120121120120