
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

finally 'final' is not required unnecessary

Ahhh.. good I got this information else I was living in a myth that final may improve performance.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Increasing memory of Program in Eclipse

If you are running any java program from Eclipse and you are getting OutOfMemory error then you have to increase the memory for that program.

For that go to run -> arguments -> VM arg-> Xmx256M

Note: Dont put -vmargs, what we generally put as Eclipse would take of it.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Eclipse "workspace in is use"

Today again I spent an hour to find the solution for this frequent occuring problem for which I already knew the solution.

AW if while starting the eclipse, one gets "wrokspace is in use" error then try following:

1) run eclipse with -clean option.
eclipse -clean

2) If step one does not solve the problem then try to delete .lock file avaiable in /.metadata/.lock

3) If neither works then open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), terminate the eclipse(if running) and javaw processes and the go to step two.

If still it does not solve the problem then log a bug with eclipse with complete log.

And if you find any other solution to fix this problem then do reply me.